Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

[Short Story]Love and Passion

Es handelt sich hier um eine Kurzgeschichte in Englisch, die ich in einer "ich-kann-mal-wieder-nicht-einschlafen-Phase" geschrieben habe. Es geht, wie fast immer, um die Beziehung von Mann und Frau!

Es ist nicht immer alles so, wie es scheint, es ist nicht immer so, dass wir das tun können, was wir wollen, es ist nicht immer das Richtige, das wir tun.
Liebe bedeutet nicht, für immer zusammen zu sein, manchmal muss man Dinge aus Liebe tun, die uns nicht immer leicht fallen, die zu keinem Happy End führen.
They had been in an on-off-relationship for the last two years. This time, she would end it definitely. Of course, she still loved him, but she couldn't handle his attitude and the feeling, that she only was an affair, based on sex, for him. They were actually not the perfect couple, he was the attractive, successful thirty year old half-swede, working for Canada's biggest bank; she was the opposite, calm, shy, five years younger, one of the curvy girls you wouldn't recognize and working for the hockey section of a newspaper in Toronto.
She packead her last things, she had in his penthouse. He wasn't there, still at work at the bank. glad he gave her the keys to his place, but sure not to his heart, she could just slip away without any talking or weakness of her, cause he would make her stay, with his charme, his dark brown longer hair, his unshaved skin and his steel blue eyes.  She wont left a note, that it was finally over, he would find out sooner or later by himself.

As she left the building, it started to rain. It was the end of October and finally the colder season had arrived, but it also felt like the nature shed some tears, too, after she left for good. Unfortunatelly, she didn't carry an umbrella with her, so she got totally soaked after she arrived at her car. "Nice", was all the thought in her typical ironical way, one of the things he loved about her, he always told her that. She was lucky, that it wasn't a long ride till she arrieved at her little cottage on the outskirts of Toronto. There she could take a hot shower and put on some fresh warm clothes.

She didn't know how long she stood under the warm and comforting shower or how often her doorbell rang, but she finally made it out of the shower, put her warm bath robe on and went to open the door.
There he stood, wet and soaked like she was moments ago and without asking for permission to come in, he went straight to her living room. She knew, that he was angry and upset, had known him for five years. It was her dad's company jubilee were her parents introduced them to each other, now she recognized every emotion from him, even the ones, he didn't wanted to show to her.
"What is it, Sophia?", he asked "why did you take all of your things with you? Do you want it, that it's over for another time?" Raindrops, could have also been tears of rage, run down his face and onto his chest. He was damn sexy at this moment and she knew it, but had to resist one more time, if she would be honest to herself. "It's over, definitely, without any comeback", she said with a weak voice. "I won't come back. You never gave me the feeling, that you'd love me, you never said, that I was yours, it was always the sex that brought us together."
Still in her bath robe, she was the most attractive girl for him and and he always wanted her, she was his. He told her so. Maybe,  he wanted her for this night, maybe he really loved her, and never wanted to let her go.
He kissed her. First gently, then demanding, pulled of her robe, while she opened his shirt and touched his plain chest. They went upstairs immediately and had the most intensive sex ever. It wasn't just sex, it was everything both could give to each other. Their hearts and love, all came to a big explosion in that night.
After, she had her head on his chest and he caressed her hair, he said the words, that have never said before. He said thait he loves her, that she was, is and will be the love of his entire life, the ying to his yang, the alpha to his omega.

And in the middle of the night, when she was asleep he kissed her back and hair gently and left the cottage and his love, again.
The next day, the young woman quit her job, packed all the things, that seemed important to her and left Toronto.

(Um die Geschichte wie in Sherlock Holmes - Game of Shadows zu beenden)

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