Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

A girl's weight loss journey- #2 Impatience is my biggest weakness

I finally did it last week and wrote my first blog-post, concerning my weight loss and the joining of Weight Watchers.
And by the way, thanks for the lovely comments, here on my blog and on facebook. All of them were much appreciated!
It's kind of a big deal for me, because  I kept my weight-issues and problems most of the time by myself.

Not that I've never tried to lose weight.
My diet history started in school I guess, when I was in secondary school, but the effort was mostly not very high and so I've never been much successful. When I lost weight, I gained it back, the sooner or later. 
So I had times when I was dissatisfied with my image, I saw in the mirror, the size of clothes I wore and the health conditions I've been in. Then, there were times, where I thought maybe I'm not meant to be thin, and I accepted, that I'll always be the big girl. 

But you know, nothing happens just with luck, you need to have a plan and you have to be active and doing something for yourself.
Yes, nobody said, that weight loss will be easy, and that'll happen just with a snap, it takes time.

My weakness is my impatience
I'd love to lose all the 13 stones now and immediately without waiting. I'm a person who is really imaptient and I'm dissatisfied when I just lose a pound, although I know, that this is totally normal, and you can't always lose 4 pounds a week. And one pound is a great loss for one week.
I also know that it's better to lose the weight in a moderate time than in a short crash-diet-like-way.
On the one hand, I don't think that my skin would cope with a fast weight loss and I would just have aweful flabby skin. (Although, as I mentioned in my first weight loss post, I never was thin, always big and I don't know, how my skin would cope with the weight loss. My horror imagination would be, if my flabby skin would just hang off me and my skinny new body, so that I would need an operation to lift all my flesh.)
On the other hand, it's safer to lose weight steadily, if you want or need a special weight and want to maintain it. It's easier if your body has the change, to cope with the changes. For some people it's harder to maintain their weight, than losing an amount of weight.
So this is finally another thing to learn for me. I have to be patient and accept the changes of my body. I can't do it all in a short period of time. So, the sooner I face the thought, that it'll take a while, I'll be able to enjoy my journey to a new me.

Number of Weeks: 5

Weight loss: -3 lbs/ ~1,1kg
Weight loss in total: -1st  2 1/2lbs/ ~7,4kg

Feelings: Awesome! One stone is gone, at least 12 more to go! I am really happy and satisfied. My next goal is to lose the second stone and to be more active.
The last Saturday, I bought myself a top in a NORMAL shop for the first time of my life! And it really felt great. It shows me, that I'm on the right way.
My hostdad told me yesterday morning before I left for the meeting, that I seem to be happier the last weeks, and I would agree with that.
It shows me, that I can do it, and that's not just the weight loss, that gives me a slimmer body, it's also my feelings and my inner me, just changes as well.
It'll might take a while and there is a long way to go, but I won't give up.

What frustrates me: You know, that I'm, although I lost a stone, still big and that's what people on the street and in the shops think and see. They don't know, that I already lost a lot, since I've come here.
Maybe you will say, that I shouldn't bother because they don't know me and my story, my success and my goals but it still kind of hurts facing these comments, since forever. (And yes I know that I have less self-confidence)

Favourite Food: turkey-ricenoodle-veg-stir fry
Sunday Lunch: roast chicken with potatoes and veg
Veg stir fry with pasta and king prawns
Favourite Treat: Scone with Jam and Cappuccino
Selfmade, 1ProPoint, Biscuits
Justin's Sponge Cake

Goals & Plans for this week: How did I get on the last week? I walked 5 days during that week for 40 or more minutes. I wanted to go to the pool, but sometimes things happen, so I couldn't go, instead I spent the time with Laoise and Evin playing and colouring.
So for the next week I want to increase my activity level, walking longer distances or 6 or 7 days a week, going to the pool on Sunday OR Aqua Fit on a Monday morning is still on my agenda.
I also want to eat more at Lunch-/Dinnertime, meaning spending my ProPoints on propper food instead of snacks. Should keep me happier.

Tips/Inspirations for the week: Staying satisfied is important! Nothing is more crucial than being hungry and craving for something fatty or sugary. That said, I love to eat plenty of fruits and veg during the day. A fruit salad with a no fat yoghurt and a meringue makes a great dessert for 3Pts. And I enjoy it!
But let me tell you about myself this week: The last Friday I was craving for sweet and fatty things. I helped myself to a slice of Pizza, garlicbread and biscuits. Did I feel happy or satisfied that night? NO! Did I enjoy it? Well, no.
And it was not only that I felt guilty to eat all that rubbish, it was more that I ate the things without thinking, not having control, although I should have known better.
And I definitely know now, why I had these cravings. It was my PMS, funny that, I don't have the need for sweets during my menstruation, it's more the days before it. Knowing that and I still lost weight, I know that I have to control myself the next month and react wiser in situations like this.
I also have some Weight Watchers biscuits at home or on the go, when I really need something but don't want to spend loads of ProPoints.
Stay positive: it doesn't matter if you lose 5lbs or one, every loss is great and counts. You have to tell yourself, that you are on your OWN journey, so you decide the pace.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hey :)
    Hab dich getagged. Wäre schön wenn du mitmachst!
    Lg <3

  2. Glückwunsch! Das sieht doch schon super aus! 7,4 kg ist eine richtig tolle Leistung! Schön, dass du dich besser fühlst und glücklicher bist. Das ist doch das, was zählt :-) Mach weiter so! Liebe Grüße, Cloud

  3. Ist echt eine super Leistung und freut mich sehr <3 Die Hauptsache ist, dass du dich wohl fühlst und wenn die WW hilft, ist das top =D

    Viel Erfolg weiterhin! :D


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