Montag, 16. April 2012

[NOTD] Hawaiian Paradise - Nail Art

Well, I'm just looking outside my window and the weather doesn't say spring at all. So I decided to bring spring back on my nails by producing a mani inspired by Hawaii

Things I used:
ltr: P2 Maui Fizz, Essie Help me grow, Watermelon, Good to go, P2 Honolulu Juicer

Konad m-29

Basecoat: Essie Help me grow
So I just started first with P2 Honolulu Juicer, a gold-yellow-orange nail polish, really gorgeous, it reminds me off pineapples and some cocktails, love it. (2 coats)

P2 Honolulu Juicer
Then I put P2 Maui Fizz at the end of the nails, just applied it with a sponge

And finally, I just put some stamping on it, but only on the thumb and ringfinger, the polish I used is Essie watermelon, image plate is Konad m-29. Just finished with one coat Essie Good to go.

Enjoy your monday!

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